AIPF 2017 Annual IP Meeting in San Francisco
Finnian & Columba neemt deel aan de 2017 AIPF Annual Meeting in San Francisco (13-15 september 2017).
De conferentie focust dit jaar op “An Age of Uncertainty: How do Boutique IP Firms Respond?”
De thema’s die aan bod komen zijn:
- The Challenges for In-House Counsel in a Changing IP Landscape
- Monetizing Intellectual Property: Perspectives from Patent Brokers
- Global Trademark Update
- Brand Owners in ICANN-land: The REAL Virtual Reality of Domain Name Expansion
- The Intersection of Legal Ethics with Data Security
- Inventorship Issues Across Jurisdictions
- Social Media and Personal Branding Essentials
- Law Firm Leadership: Responding to Uncertainty
AIPF (Association of Intellectual Property Firms) is een vereniging van advocatenkantoren gespecialiseerd in intellectuele eigendom. Finnian & Columba is het Belgische lid van AIPF.
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